Brandon Cameron 6'0 PG Gary West 12.4
Rodney Carney 6'6 F Indy Northwest 21.5
Keith Christmas 6'5 F Gary West 12.7
Seth Colclasure 6'2 G Bellmont 27.0
Dedrick Finn 6'1 G Castle 18.0
Chris Hunter 7'0 C/F Gary West 22.7
Matt Kiefer 6'10 C/F Mater Dei 20.9
Sean May 6'8 F Bloomington North 21.2
Delco Rowley 6'9 C Indy Arlington 15.2
Blake Schoen 6'4 G Benton Central 22.8
Evan Seacat 6'5 F Paoli 23.2
Avery Sheets 6'0 G McCutcheon 24.7
Anthony Winchester 6'4 G Austin 34.7
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